As an Independent Support Worker on Kynd, you’ll need an NDIS Worker Screening Check

This is a background check carried out by the Government.

If you pass your background check, you'll receive an NDIS Worker Screening ID.

This ID is valid for 5 years, unless it is suspended or revoked by the NDIS Commission.


How do I apply for my NDIS Worker Screening Check?

You need to apply through the State or Territory government portal where you live: 









An Employee ID is required to complete your application. 

Join Kynd as an Independent Support Workers and you can use Kynd’s Employer ID: 4-3LLQ-406.

By using Kynd’s Employer ID, your check will link to Kynd’s NDIS Worker Screening Database.

Our team can review your check and verify (if you have also uploaded your Government ID) so your application progresses to completion. 

Once complete, and if you are cleared to work, you will receive your NDIS Worker Screening ID via email from the government.

Some states and territories also issue a card in the post.

Important Note:  The government websites use the term "Employer ID", but don't worry about this.

You are still your own boss and not employed by Kynd.


How to link my existing NDIS Worker Screening ID to Kynd?

Not already on Kynd? Easy!

  • Create your Support Worker account and add your Worker Screening ID along with other required verification documents.

Already on Kynd? Great!

  • Login and go into your Settings, Verifications, + Upload Verification, and add your Worker Screening ID info.

Finally, log into the State or Territory government portal where you applied for your Worker ID.

Update your details, adding Kynd to your Employers list (use Kynd’s Employer ID: 4-3LLQ-406).









By doing this, you will appear on Kynd's NDIS Worker Screening Database.

Our team can then verify your Worker Screening ID.

Once you are linked to Kynd, we will be notified if your ID is suspended or revoked.

See Kynd Terms of Use for more information about this.