As an Independent Support Worker, you are an NDIS Provider.

You must understand your NDIS Code of Conduct obligations.

The NDIS Code of Conduct requires people who deliver NDIS supports and services to:

- Provide support and services safely, with care and skill. 
- Act when something might affect the quality or safety of supports you provide.
- Respect the rights of people living with disability.
(including their privacy, freedom of expression, self determination and decision making).
- Act with integrity, honesty and transparency. 
- Take action to prevent and respond to violence, exploitation, neglect and abuse.
- Help Participants to get the support they need if their circumstances change. 
- Provide fair pricing to NDIS Participants. 

Penalties apply if you do not meet your obligations under the NDIS Code of Conduct. 

Learn more about your NDIS Code of Conduct Obligations.