Kynd is designed for safety and empowerment —online and offline.

It's our number #1 mutual priority with you.

We actively take measures to help ensure safety and trust for everyone using Kynd. As a Support Worker, you take an active role in promoting safety. You control who you support and your services. Always think about your safety when you attend any Visits.

Ways we help ensure safety together include: 


As a Support Worker, you need to pass verifications. This includes:

  1. Support Worker Application
  2. Safety & Identity Checks (IDs, relevant qualifications, certificates, ABNs etc)
  3. NDIS Worker ID (Worker Screening Clearance) 
  4. NDIS Worker Orientation Certificate (This can be completed for free here)

100% Control

When supporting NDIS Participants via Kynd, you're in control.

  • You can attend free 'Meet & Greets' to discuss and set expectations. 
  • You can support someone you like and trust. It's entirely your choice. 
  • Unlike agencies or providers, you're never forced to support people.
  • If you're ever not 100% happy, you could cancel support with them. 

Meet & Greets

We recommend a free 'Meet & Greet' first, especially for ongoing support. This is normally 30 to 60 minutes to discuss your needs, learn more about each other and talk rates and schedules. Participants and Coordinators are also welcome to ask you for additional documents before booking support. Use this time to help choose if a Member is right for you. 

  • Ensure their home/environment is safe for you when visiting.
  • You're welcome to ask questions to better understand a Member. 
  • If more comfortable, you could ask to meet in a public location.

Booking Details

With bookings in Kynd, you'll have accurate records and see all support booking details.

Name/ Location

For extra privacy, your last name or address info is never shared with Kynd Members. We also never display your Surname on Kynd.

Secure Messages

You're able to send messages via Kynd, so you don't have to share personal numbers.

Secure Payments

Kynd is a cashless solution. Kynd Members receive invoices once bookings are approved. Never offer to accept cash or any payments outside the platform. Keep your data secure.

Insurance Cover

Kynd includes insurance cover for Support Workers. For more info, search the FAQs.